
August 3, 2018

A conversation on fundraising and school directory with School Zone

Welcome to the school zone school fundraising ideas podcast. We interviewed top fundraising and resource companies to help you find a solution to your next school, fundraising or school resource need. Are you ready to simplify the search? Now, here’s your host, Matt Miller. Matt Miller:       Hey. Hey, school zone audience. Matt here, once again. I’m excited tonight to have a really neat guest in the school zone with me. Niru Mallavarupu. Did I get it right? Niru:   Yeah, it’s Close, its Mallavarupu Matt Miller:  Mallavarupu. That’s great. Niru Mallavarpu. I, I’ll get it right doggone it. Anyway, I got a chance to meet Niru at the Philadelphia PTO Today expo here a couple of weeks ago and was very, very, very impressed with her company MobileArq, and had to get her on the show to talk about what they’re doing, how they are simplifying communication within schools and a whole […]
December 20, 2012

Mobile and Online School Directory for School Parents – Top Ten Reasons

Do we use the printed copies of the Yellow Pages? Years ago, after search engines like Yahoo, Google and Bing put businesses on the internet highway, the paper Yellow pages have grown extinct. We no longer refer to the paper directory as much as our mobile apps or the online white and yellow pages. Our schools however continue to churn out a paper directory year after year after year. A Mobile and Online Directory is not common yet.  Schools are generally cautious in their approach to technology and rightfully so. However, we offer several compelling reasons to adopt a mobile school directory below. The school directory contains the contact information of all the parents, teachers and staff in the school, the school calendar and the school rules/regulations. Here are Top Ten simple reasons to move all of the directory information to a mobile and online directory. 10. Updated Real time […]