
October 7, 2014

The Still Unchartered Waters of Charter Schools

By Guest Blogger, Robin Vaughn Charter schools are growing. During a 13 year period, from 1999 to 2012 the number of US charter schools increased nearly four-fold, from 1,500 to 5,700. More significantly, the student enrollment shot up from 0.3 million to 2.1 million, respectively. That’s a seven-fold increase in the collective student body. Charter school administrations forge an independent path for meeting performance standards and as such, have a vested interest in reaching educational goals for student achievement, the success of which determines the longevity of the charter. Exemplary management of a charter school or any educational institution depends heavily on a timely communications network. It’s essential to keep the conversation flowing between parents, teachers, PTA and school administration, solving problems or avoiding them altogether. In the convoluted processes of school administration, communication sometimes gets lost in the daily shuffle. A reformed education model that stresses accountability can’t afford […]