
June 23, 2014

A brief but enduring encounter with Marcio Moreira

Marcio Moreira, the former Chief Creative Officer of McCann was the creative genius behind several world famous marketing campaigns. I was saddened to hear of his passing away while I was away at a convention this week. I met Marcio for the first time in April this year at an NJIT sponsored fair that connected entrepreneurs and Volunteers who wanted to work with young companies. Even in our very first meeting, Marcio got the “value proposition” in our product immediately. I had no idea what his background was beyond the fact that he had some experience in “Marketing”. He explained briefly that he was the key person behind “Coke” and “Visa Card ” campaigns, among many more. He provided some valuable insights about competition and pricing in our very first meeting. I was very impressed with his insights and wrote to him immediately after getting back to my office. We […]