
February 6, 2014

Seven Simple Steps Towards Mobile Phone Security

Most of us now keep our valuable, go-to information in our pockets/purses, within our smart phones.¬† This includes our photos, contacts information, work documents and even our passwords to access secure sites such as bank accounts.¬†¬† The more we rely on our smart phones for our daily business, the more exposed we are to the pitfalls of mobile phone security.¬† So it is very important to keep information safe by taking care of your phone using the following steps ‚Äì please stay tuned for detailed instructions on each of these steps on this blog. 1. Set a password on your phone Put a password on your phone and a PIN on your SIM card. ¬†Do not rely on the default factory settings. Setup your device to automatically lock. If your phone has not been used for a few minutes, it should automatically lock and require a password or PIN to […]