
February 8, 2016
The PTA mom can use some help

Thoughts swirling in a PTA Mom’s head at the end of the day!

  The work of a PTA Mom is never done. She is a multitasking woman staying on top of all of her kids’ activities, managing her home and all of her volunteering duties with the PTA. First and foremost, the PTA Mom needs to take care of her kids and family – every meal and activity in their day. She needs to plan her day and week as well so that she can attend to her volunteer duties while working around everyone’s schedules. Whether it is to prepare a dinner on a PTA Meeting night or get her kids a ride back from the soccer game while she is at her PTA meeting, the PTA Mom plans ahead. Many a time she has taken on too man volunteering duties – baking for the PTA bake sale, helping out at the book fair and in the library, being in charge of […]
February 8, 2016

How to successfully launch an online school directory for your PTA?

The PTA Directory Chair at your school is tired of compiling the school directory year after year with hand written forms and extensive typing. Now, it is time for your board to make that job easier for her ( or him – it is usually a PTA Mom). What are the alternatives you have? You could go with an online school directory (which could also be a school directory app on your phone). What would be the steps you need to take to successfully launch and maintain a school directory? Parents who have been used to a paper directory are not going to immediately warm up to an electronic directory? How can you make this transition easier on parents? This infographic illustrates the entire process and best practices to create an online school directory for your PTA. A detailed writeup of each of these steps and how MobileArq deals with […]