
May 17, 2012

MobileArq transforms communication in school community with technology tools

Franklin Elementary school in Summit, New Jersey implemented a parent portal with LocalArq’s innovative technology that provides personalized tools for the parent to keep on top of their children’s class, school and after-school activities at their fingertips. Parents have a hectic life keeping track of their children’s activities, transporting their kids to games, birthday parties and you name it. LocalArq’s MyChildPortal maintains a personalized group calendar, documents, forms online and tools to communicate with other parents at their fingertips.  
October 21, 2011

Niche Social Networks for Membership Organizations

Localarq builds private niche networks for any membership based organizations. For example, Alumni of various B-Schools, Professional Services organizations in any discipline are geographically dispersed and usually have at the most a website and nothing more. Localarq provides websites out of the box for enabling all of this through a website for your local PTA, professional org or any org. We can also host it on your own domain if needed. We can insert it into your existing website with the same L&F so you do not compromise on your branding. Build a niche network for your organization Interact with members in geographically different locations easily Online Fund Raising from your members and families Groups, Collaboration, chat A private secure place on the internet Personalized and group calendar Eliminate paper Organize and share Documents/forms online