
January 9, 2015

What did we learn from a recent Parent Survey on the MobileArq Online School Directory?

  User feedback is extremely important in helping to make MobileArq a very useful and valuable communication tool for K-12 school parents.  Towards the end of 2014, a simple multiple-choice survey was sent to over 2,000 users of MobileArq School Directory.  From the user feedback, we learned what resonated with the parents and what did not. Summary of the results are highlighted below:   Over 85% of the participants chose the option that they would be very disappointed if MobileArq services were discontinued. A similar number would recommend MobileArq to another school or a friend to use. Most of them commented that the convenience of having the entire phone book of the school on their phone is the most attractive feature.         Several of the benefits of the MobileArq School Directory as provided by the parents include the following: Quick access to phone numbers and teacher emails. Don’t […]