
April 22, 2014

Prevent Heartbleed with Biometric Software

The HeartBleed Security Bug has been echoing through the halls of the internet. Every web user should be rightfully concerned with the possibility of their various accounts getting hijacked/broken. There are some preventive security measures a company or a user can take to protect themselves from security bugs or in general any kind of hacking. A password is simply one key to unlock a door to any account. What if a user can have multiple keys that would need to be provided or multiple doors to be unlocked to get into an account. One of the common practices that financial institutions are using is having multiple security questions answered before a user is allowed to access the account. Unfortunately, in a situation like the ‘HeartBleed Bug’, hackers can access the various questions as well if they have been exposed in the web server cache. A robust solution to any attack […]
April 15, 2014

Why SSL?

The internet community is buzzing about the “Heartbleed Bug” and “OpenSSL”. At the heart of the “HeartBleed Bug” is SSL, the secure socket layer. So what is SSL and what role does it play in our internet transactions? The Sockets in the “Secure Sockets Layer” refers to a protocol used by any “client” to communicate with a “server”. A “client” is any web browser, email client or program initiating the transaction. The “server” is the program that fulfills the request of the client. When the internet started getting used in the early nineties outside the “geek” circles, software programs for banking, e-commerce and a multitude other purposes started getting built and used. However, software researchers needed to find a way to stop sensitive data being transferred transparently over the internet so that it could not be stolen by unscrupulous parties. Due to this need to protect credit card numbers, banking […]
April 13, 2014

What the HeartBleed Security Bug Means to an Internet User?

                                                          All of us use devices connected to the internet every single day, whether it is to browse the web, get our financial information or connect to our children’s schools. So it is essential for us to understand the implications of the HeartBleed Bug for us as an internet user. In this article, we explain the HeartBleed bug in a layman’s language and its impact upon the regular user. When you submit any information on the internet, whether it is a keyword or phrase that you are searching on Google or a username for logging into a secure website, your query is converted into a coded message or encrypted to insure its security from an ‘eavesdropper’. The security flaw termed as the […]
February 6, 2014

Seven Simple Steps Towards Mobile Phone Security

Most of us now keep our valuable, go-to information in our pockets/purses, within our smart phones.¬† This includes our photos, contacts information, work documents and even our passwords to access secure sites such as bank accounts.¬†¬† The more we rely on our smart phones for our daily business, the more exposed we are to the pitfalls of mobile phone security.¬† So it is very important to keep information safe by taking care of your phone using the following steps ‚Äì please stay tuned for detailed instructions on each of these steps on this blog. 1. Set a password on your phone Put a password on your phone and a PIN on your SIM card. ¬†Do not rely on the default factory settings. Setup your device to automatically lock. If your phone has not been used for a few minutes, it should automatically lock and require a password or PIN to […]