
February 7, 2014

Top Five Reasons for Going Mobile with your School Directory

Are you a parent in a K-12 school?  Then you need a mobile school directory!   Whether it is to check the early dismissal time or the phone number of your child’s class teacher. Here are the top five reasons you need a mobile school directory! 1. You always misplace your paper school directory! Do you ever search for your school directory right at home? That happens to me all the time!                         2. Your Dog thinks this is a good bone to chew on. Was it better that your pet did not chew up the mail this time?  But you do need your school directory for the rest of the year!     3. The printed school directory is outdated! Wow, mistakes do happen! Have you been in a school directory you shouldn’t have been? But how are […]
February 6, 2014

Seven Simple Steps Towards Mobile Phone Security

Most of us now keep our valuable, go-to information in our pockets/purses, within our smart phones.¬† This includes our photos, contacts information, work documents and even our passwords to access secure sites such as bank accounts.¬†¬† The more we rely on our smart phones for our daily business, the more exposed we are to the pitfalls of mobile phone security.¬† So it is very important to keep information safe by taking care of your phone using the following steps ‚Äì please stay tuned for detailed instructions on each of these steps on this blog. 1. Set a password on your phone Put a password on your phone and a PIN on your SIM card. ¬†Do not rely on the default factory settings. Setup your device to automatically lock. If your phone has not been used for a few minutes, it should automatically lock and require a password or PIN to […]
January 25, 2014

Arne Duncan Calls for Involved Parents

Arne Duncan’s message and the involved parents who change children’s lives The Education Secretary Arne Duncan has called for involved and demanding parents in schools for our children to get a better education. That is easier said than done. In the more socio-economically advantaged communities, with more educated and well-to-do parents, children thrive due to the atmosphere at home and an active school community. Let me give you an example of an inspiring and involved PTA parent I have got to know personally. This Mom of three, from an upper middle class town in New Jersey is involved in almost every PTA fundraiser, whether it is the ‘Turkey Trot’ or the massive printed directory effort for 1,500 families at her son’s middle school.  However, this Mom goes above and beyond the usual fundraising. When Ruby learned how children with disabilities were teased or bullied by others at schools, she recognized that […]
January 24, 2014

Clear The Clutter, A New Year Resolution!

The first month of the new year is almost ending. I am trying hard to get a start on one of my new year resolutions -  to organize all of our book shelves. One of the books that always gets lost in there is our school directory. Do you have the same problem in finding the school directory in your book shelf?